An interview with Kim Kardashian was recently published where she shared her top foods for long, healthy hair. Love her or hate her, you have to admit, blonde or brunette Kim’s hair is always on point. So, we took note of Kim Kardashian’s hair advice to share with our lovely #vivababes.
Check out the foods to eat for long, healthy hair below.
Eggs to prevent hair breakage
Eggs contain Omega 3’s and protein. These are some essential supplements when it comes to healthy and strong hair. We’re not talking egg white omelettes here either as nearly half of the protein is found in the yolk. Omega 3 helps to prevent hair loss and breakage and encourage the growth of new hair. It also helps to prevent a dry scalp! Similar to Omega 3, protein encourages hair growth for thicker hair.
Avocado for shiny hair
Whether you are eating avocado or rubbing it into your scalp (like Adriana Lima – she says it’s the secret to shiny healthy hair) it is beneficial in hair growth and health. This is thanks to its vitamins B and E. Vitamin B is great for hair growth and Vitamin E helps your hair cells to repair themselves.
Salmon for hair growth
Salmon is not only a healthy source of protein, it contains Vitamins D and Omega 3 Fatty Acids. However, no more than three servings per week to help minimise mercury intake.
Carrots for healthy oils
Who else loves to snack on carrots as a healthy option? Your hair will love you for it as they are filled with Vitamin A! Vitamin A is an antioxidant, also known as retinol. It aids in cell and tissue development and helps the scalp produce a healthy oils to nourish and protect the hair.
Dark Chocolate (yes!) for a healthy scalp
Last but not least we a pleased to hear that Kim Kardashian incorporates dark chocolate into her diet to help keep her hair healthy! Dark Chocolate is known to contain zinc and iron which helps to promote blood flow to the scalp. Even better, why not get your partner to give you a head massage while you eat the chocolate? It’s all about stimulating the circulation!
If you really want to make sure your hair is getting the supplements it needs post viva la blonde appointments, make sure you ask one of our viva girls about our take home treatment options.
To book a blonde hair specialist appointment at viva la blonde please call:
Perth Blonde Hair Specialist Salon: 9324 3374
North Fremantle Blonde Hair Specialist Salon: 9433 5010